The Trusted Advisor

Increasing your touchpoints with clients, embedding your relationships.
Investing time with clients and building relationships, outside of the normal day to day transactional space, can create opportunities to demonstrate how you add value to your client and their business.
Professional service firms are increasingly looking for ways in which they can increase the number of touch points that they have with their clients and how they can understand the business more fully.
The Trusted Advisor should bring value to the client by building relationships in other areas of the client’s business. The Trusted Advisor should be the firm that ‘knows someone who can’ and should be a ‘go to’ point for the client with other issues.
In his article, on the website ‘,’ Michael Fleming lists ten behaviours that clients identify with Trusted Advisors* and he notes that one global professional services firm found that ”a strong theme that emerged from the client survey was that a lot of their clients actually felt rather unloved. They said that they would actually prefer a lot more contact with their advisors out with the confines of specific fee-paying projects.”
How can we help?
Hammersbach Consulting’s product suite gives you additional tools with which to connect with your clients and start conversations outside of the traditional arena. These conversations can provide solutions for your clients which further embed you within their business.
The product suite provides claims management and cost control solutions which include:
Claims Handling Review – a quantified review of the current claims handling process.
Data Analytics – a look at how the client and their claims service provider uses the claims data to influence the total cost of claims.
Financial Audits – a review of the claims reserves to assess the accuracy of reserves held.
Loss Scenario Testing – to test the efficacy of processes, procedures and coverage in the event of a significant loss.
Process Audits – a review of the claims process against any contractual obligations or service level agreements.
Review of ‘In House’ Claims Ops – a ground up review and cost/benefit analysis of any internal claims handling arrangements.
Benefits to you
The product suite enables you to start conversations with clients, it allows you to identify other areas of the business where you can build new relationships and further embed the firm and demonstrate it’s value. It can identify cross-selling or other income generating opportunities.
Critically it enables you to provide solutions – to be the ‘go to’ firm. To be the Trusted Advisor.
The product suite can be offered as a stand alone consultancy provided by Hammersbach Consulting or as a white label project, delivered by us, on your behalf and in your name.
For further information on the product suite please view or contact us using the details below.
* (Becoming a Trusted Advisor: The Ten Behaviours, Michael Fleming, 19/04/13).