Performance is more than a KPI

If you use a TPA or outsourced claims handling organisation, how do you measure performance?   Performance and value are more than KPIs and SLAs. There can be no doubt that they have a place in any contract, however, relying only on these two methods of measuring performance and value can inhibit both the client […]

Trust is a critical asset

An excellent article by Edelman. Their four dynamics are at the heart of everything we do for our clients at Hammersbach Consulting and are just what we expect from our suppliers and partners too.

Claims Transparency with Shared Ownership

Transparency and relationships with shared owners are key to all social landlords and housing associations. Articles such as that by Alexandra Goss in The Sunday Times (Unfair Share, Sunday 30th September) raise questions as to the fairness of Shared Ownership and concerns over charges and other costs borne by the homeowner. Reputations may be questioned […]

Case Study: Major Incident Protocol and Loss Scenario Test

Pan-European Passenger Train Operator

A major pan-European rail operator had suffered a significant loss and was concerned that should another event occur which involved multiple casualties there was no structure in place to provide support to the business from insurers and other related experts. The client was confident that their regulatory obligations were being met but were aware that nothing was in place to assist them in maximising the benefits of their insurance policies.